Sunday, December 12, 2010

Outside my sewing room window.....

There is a beautiful owl that sits in a tree outside my sewing room window and keeps me company.  The hollow of the tree is a prefect size for him and he blends right in with the color of the tree.  Even during a snowstorm he will sit there for hours. A lesson in patience?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Quilts

New Quilts!
Pinwheel Pizazz
I am excited about these new quilts.  Now all I have to do is write the patterns!
Blue is Blue
These quilts were beautifully quilted by Patti Marrin of PM Quilt Design.
I can't wait to show them off at the new fabric store, Make it Sew,  in Chanhassen, MN where I will be working.  The new store opens Jan. 3, 2010.  It will be a store nobody will want to miss coming to, full of beautiful fabrics, great patterns, wonderful classes and knowledgeable staff.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tropical Splendor

This is the second quilt I have done using this design.  The first one was called Chocolate Souffle' and was done in brown tones.  I only used four fabrics to create this quilt.  The wonderful fabrics by Kaffe Fassett and Philip Jacobs have great color and movement.  This quilt will be in The Sampler booth at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in November.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Quilt Design

I fell in love with this group of fabrics when I saw it at The Sampler quilt shop.  I couldn't resist putting them into a new quilt design.  The pattern will be available soon.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Working with images in Electric Quilt 7

I love playing with images in Electric Quilt 7.  This is a picture of my sons, taken this summer.
This is how the picture looked after I played with some of the effects EQ7 has to offer in the image worktable.  I used EQ Printables (inkjet fabric sheets) to print the picture onto fabric.
With the addition of a couple borders and quilting I got a great little wallhanging for my sewing room.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Having Fun at the Quilt Expo in Madison, Wisconsin

The Quilt Expo in Madison, Wisconsin is a great quilt show.  I worked in The Sampler booth during the show and had a fantastic time.

I enjoyed sharing my new table runner patterns with everyone.
This is a quilt show that everyone would enjoy.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

More fun with EQ7

I took some pictures of our garden and had some more fun with them in EQ7 using the symmetry tool.  Hopefully some day they will find themselves in a quilt.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Having fun with Electric Quilt 7

I have owned Electric Quilt since it was just Electric Quilt without any number behind it.  They have come a long way.  I love playing with EQ7.  I am having tons of fun with the Image editing tools, especially the symmetry tool.  I have just begun to explore.  Here is the original picture.....

Here is what you can do(plus a lot more) with EQ7 symmetry tool.  Think of what you could do with a beautiful photography of a flower.  I see quilt blocks in my future.  All I have to do is print them on fabric and start building a quilt.  Stay tuned.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tile Quilt Block

There is a great new book out called Tile Quilt Revival, by Carol Gilham Jones and Bobbi Finley.  I am using the book in a class at The Sampler Quilt Shop in Chanhassen, MN.  I have one of the blocks complete and have started on the next few.  If you like puzzles, fabric and hand stitching you will love this technique.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Reverse Applique

I have been working on a fun project from the book Applique in Reverse by Teri Henderson TopeI love this book.  It has great instruction and wonderful pictures.  Will be teaching a class in Reverse Applique at The Sampler Quilt shop in Chanhassen, MN this coming Thurday, July 29th from 6-9

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sno-Daze Quilt

Sno-Daze is now finished.  It was named for the event in high school we called Sno-Daze, which was loaded with fun.  Some of the fun included an all white contest, a king and queen, hairy leg contest, a pep fest, etc.  The quilt is beautifully quilted by Patti Marrin of PM Quilting Designs.  It is full of snowflakes and lots of custom designs.  The quilt will be on display at The Sampler quilt shop in Chanhassen, MN during Quilt Minnesota which starts July 30.  A pattern will also be available at that time.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sneak Peek

I have been having fun designing a quilt for The Sampler in Chanhassen, MN to use for the Quilt Minnesota Shop Hop in August. Here is a sampling of the quilt top. Soon Patti Marrin will do her magic with the quilting.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Fun at Quilt Market

I have been quilting and designing quilts for a long time, but this was my first time as a vendor at Quilt Market. It was quite an experience. Having Quilt Market in Minneapolis was great. We had a fun, colorful booth. We met lots of wonderful quilters and made many contacts. We had a terrific group of friends that helped us in our booth. To see more of my quilts go to